Understanding the New Context API

If you were following all the React trends in the last month, you should know that some API’s have received a redesign: Context, refs, etc.
In this opportunity, I’m going to tell you my experience of rewriting a Component using this new Context API!
But first … What the f**k is Context? 🤔
Context is another way of sharing information between parents and children (like props). Where you have a top component (Father) that define an object with information (Context) so any component inside (Children) of him can access to that. You could say that using props is explicit communication, while Context is implicit Communication.
When an application starts to grow, you will end up having more components that also start to share more information between them. When this happened is common to start seeing the DrillingProps problem, which is a component passing down lots of props just to give access to component below of it 🙁
This is when Context helps us! By removing those props chain between component, we end up with a more readable and understandable code 👍
Communication Diagram
Via props
<ParentComponent> props: { value: 1 } ↓ <IntermediateComponent> props: { value: 1 } ↓ <OtherIntermediateComponent> props: { value: 1 } ↓ <ChildComponent> props: { value: 1 }
Via Context
<ParentComponent> context: { value: 1 } <IntermediateComponent> <OtherIntermediateComponent> <ChildComponent> props: { value: 1 }
Why did React rewrite Context?
The main flaw with context today is how it interacts with shouldComponentUpdate 😨
- shouldComponentUpdate blocks context changes: context changes will not propagate through a component whose shouldComponentUpdate return false. shouldComponentUpdate is a fairly common optimization in React applications.
- Shifts complexity to user space: developers circumvent the shouldComponentUpdate problem using subscriptions which are largely used in Open Source libraries like Redux and React Broadcast. The problem is that the ownership and responsibility for a core feature (Context) has been shifted from the framework to its users.
What does this new API offer?
React developer team has re-design from scratch the way we declare a context inside a Component and introduce new concepts that previously were not present inside the framework :fire:
Let’s see a comparison between the new version and the old one.
Old version 👴
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { number } from 'prop-types';class Parent extends Component {
static childContextTypes = {
value: string
};getChildContext() {
return { value: 1 };
}render() {
return <Child />;
}class Child extends Component {
static contextTypes = {
value: number
};render() {
const { value } = this.context;
return <p>The value from Context is: {value}</p>;
New version 👨
import React, { createContext } from 'react';
import { number } from 'prop-types';const { Provider, Consumer } = createContext('contextExample')const Parent = () => (
<Provider value={ value: 1}>
<Child />
)const Child = () => (
({value}) => <p>The value from Context is: {value}</p>
List of changes
- Remove the need of using getChildContext to set values inside a context.
- Remove contextType and childContextTypes static definition in parent and children (which in my opinion was the worst).
- Add a new method React.createContext which create a new instance of a Context and return an object with a Provider and a Consumer.
- The Provider component allows you to define values inside the Context created.
- The Consumer component uses renderProp pattern inside its children, inside that function we’ll have access to all the information inside the context created.
Let’s build something! 👷
In 2017 I wrote a RadioGroup component with the old Context, so my goal is to rewrite it using the new one! 💪
Here it’s the repository in case you want to skip all the explanation and go straight forward to the codebase.
I choose a RadioGroup because is one of those component that are very annoying component to build in React. If you want to know why, just check this portion of code which objective is to render a set of radio button that are controlled.
import React, { Component } from 'react';class Example extends Component {
state = {
selectedFruit: 'apple'
};onChangeFruit = ({ target: { value } }) =>
this.setState({ selectedFruit: value });render() {
return (
checked={this.state.selectedFruit === "apple"}
<label htmlFor="apple">Apple</label>
<br />
checked={this.state.selectedFruit === "grapes"}
<label htmlFor="grapes">Grapes</label>
<br />
checked={this.state.selectedFruit === "orange"}
<label htmlFor="orange">Orange</label>
<br />

That’s a lot of code just to manage 3 radio buttons! Let’s see how you can accomplish the same with the abstraction of the RadioGroup built with context.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { RadioButton, RadioGroup } from 'react-radio-group-context';class Example extends Component {
state = {
selectedFruit: 'apple'
};onChangeFruit = ({ target: { value } }) =>
this.setState({ selectedFruit: value });render() {
return (
<RadioButton id="apple">Apple</RadioButton> <br />
<RadioButton id="grapes">Grapes</RadioButton> <br />
<RadioButton id="orange">Orange</RadioButton> <br />
That looks sooo much better right? ✨Lets see what is happening.
As you can see I have created a new component called RadioGroup which received all the shared properties along the RadioButton.
Then those properties are magically passed to every RadioButton which can determine if they are selected or not by them-self. So, how are we going to do that? And the answer is Context :smile:
In order to create a new context just call to React.createContext and pass a name for the context.
import React from 'react';const { Provider, Consumer } = React.createContext('radioGroup');
Lets see how to write RadioGroup and RadioButton.
This component is in charge of distributing the information to all the RadioButton and nothing more, it doesn’t have to render anything in particular.
This component have to store inside its context:
- Name of the group for the radio buttons,
- The callback onChange.
- The selected radio.
- If the group is disabled
const RadioGroup = ({ selected, onChange, name, disabled, children }) => (
disabledGroup: disabled
This component has to read from the context defined by the RadioGroup and make some validations:
- If the selected radio is equal to the id, then checked has to be true.
- If the disabled or disabledGroup were true, then disabled has to be true.
- In case value was not being sent, then value should be equal to id.
const RadioButton = ({ id, value, disabled, children }) => (
{({ selected, onChange, disabledGroup, name }) => (
checked={selected === id}
disabled={disabled || disabledGroup}
value={value || id}
<label for={id}>{children}</label>
Merging all, we end up with this powerful library! ️️ ⚛️
import React, { Fragment } from 'react';const { Provider, Consumer } = React.createContext('radioGroup');const RadioGroup = ({ selected, onChange, name, disabled, children }) => (
disabledGroup: disabled
);const RadioButton = ({ id, value, disabled, children }) => (
{({ selected, onChange, disabledGroup, name }) => (
checked={selected === id}
disabled={disabled || disabledGroup}
value={value || id}
<label for={id}>{children}</label>
);export { RadioGroup, RadioButton };
I really like this new API, and I think it will be game changing in React. I invite all of you to build your own components using this awesome API, it’s really powerful 🔥
Let’s keep building stuff together 👷